• (301)818-0223

  • 2301 Research Blvd, Suite 216, Rockville, MD

Welcome to Xu’s Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic!

Dr. Guang Xu, L.Ac., OMD, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac is a national board-certified and Maryland licensed Acupuncturist. She is proud to provide the services of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal. Medicine.

Make an Appointment



  • Allergies, sinusitis, some disorders of Immune system.
  • Anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia and autism.
  • Infertility and women’s health.
  • Neurological disease: Bell’s palsy, stock, paralysis and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Pain management: head, neck and shoulder pain, back pain and knee pain.
  • Respiratory disease and Digestive disorders.

Acupuncture promotes natural healing processes and improves many physiological functions by the insertion of sterilized and disposable stainless-steel needles that are as fine as human hair into specific points located near or on the surface of the skin.

What can Acupuncture do for you?

  • Acupuncture can positively affect both the central and peripheral nervous systems.
  • Acupuncture can increase proper blood flow to the symptomatic areas, and enhance the overall healthy functioning of the entire human body.
  • Acupuncture can positively benefit your body’s natural immune system to defend and keep your body full of health, energy, and vitality.
  • Acupuncture can stimulate your body to release endorphins that interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of the pain.
  • Acupuncture can treat women’s disease, digestive disease, neurological disorders, and benefits for mental health, positive effects for depression, anxiety and children with autism spectrum disorder.

What can Herbal Medicine do for you?

  • Boost your natural immune system and target specific deficiency or wellness needs.
  • Treatment of numerous diseases, such as digestive disorders, respiratory disease, urinary system disorders and women’s diseases. 

What can cupping do for you?

  • Special cups are applied to the body using a vacuum effect; this can release your body pain, in addition, cupping will help pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, and well-being.
  • Cure your cold.
  • TEL: (301)818-0223
  • EMAIL: [email protected]
  • Location: 2301 Research  Blvd, Suite 216, Rockville, MD 20850

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Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are effective alternative healthcare. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are the natural methods that could strengthen the body’s immunity to help your feel better naturally. A sterile, disposable, thin-as-hair needle will be used to prevent and treat diseases. It is safe, natural, drug-free, and effective, activating your body’s natural self-healing and


Traditional Chinese Medicine Evaluation The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis of the disease is categorized by symptoms and patterns and based upon a thorough examination and consultation. Your current medical condition and medical history are taken into consideration when determining the treatment. That includes the assessment of the pulse, tongue, sleep quality, appetite, etc., which


Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, etc., is a comprehensive evidence-based healthcare system that treats acute and chronic disorders. It also promotes preventative healthcare by supporting a strong immune system that helps people better resist illness. Acupuncture Acupuncture is a healthcare modality developed in China over 2,000 years ago.