• (301)818-0223

  • 2301 Research Blvd, Suite 216, Rockville, MD

Traditional Chinese Medicine Evaluation

The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis of the disease is categorized by symptoms and patterns and based upon a thorough examination and consultation. Your current medical condition and medical history are taken into consideration when determining the treatment. That includes the assessment of the pulse, tongue, sleep quality, appetite, etc., which according to TCM, reveal a large part about your health.

Herbal Formula Prescription

Chinese herbs are powerful medicines for alleviating many symptoms and treating conditions. These Chinese Herbal Medicines have different formulas. Each formula is customized for your individual needs based on your condition. Formulas are available as tea, tablets, and capsules. The herb provides great benefits and speeds up recovery when used alongside acupuncture.


Once a diagnosis is made, 5-10 appropriate acupuncture points will be chosen from hundreds of points in your body for the treatment. The point prescription is chosen depending on your body type and the diagnosis. 

Electrical Acupuncture

If medically needed, Electro-acupuncture may be utilized where acupuncture needles are connected to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) which distributes an electrical impulse and which then uses a mild electrical current to provide pain and muscle spasms relief. The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which help relieve pain and relax muscles. They may also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.

Infrared Therapy.

Infrared therapy is frequently applied during acupuncture treatments to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture. Infrared creates heat, making you feel warm and comfortable. It also alleviates muscle injuries, helps pain & inflammation, improves skin health, and promotes better sleep.


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine during which special cups are applied to the body using a vacuum effect. It is used for many purposes, including to help with cold, pain, inflammationblood flow, relaxation, and well-being.